Many of us work hard to achieve success in every area of our lives and once it arrives at our doorstep we often push it away or close the door because we don't feel inherently good enough or smart enough or even worthy enough to receive it. I would like to tell you today that…
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The Power of a Handshake
Have you ever thought about the energy that you put out in a handshake? How people respond to you and what they feel when they shake your hand is critical when you are trying to make new connections for business. Learn a technique to clear any anxieties from your day so that you can make a wonderful…
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Reclaim Your Power
When you make peace with yourself then you spontaneously make peace with the world. Peace comes when you stop pretending to be something other than your true self. Your shadow holds the essence of who you are. Imagine the parts that you may have rejected are your most treasured gifts. It takes compassion to own…
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Dancing with the Flow of Life
If you wish to go dancing and you don’t know how, the first thought is to take lessons to learn the steps. Or we may just decide to go and learn along the way. In any case, we begin to learn the steps... In life, the dance steps are comparable to knowing ourselves. We must…
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