
My Story

My spiritual journey began in January of the year of 2000.

What a way to start the new millennium! Was it my choice? No. When life knocks you down, you simply look for answers and I was guided to find my way. My husband had been ill for many years and I was his caregiver. We had been doing dialysis at home and our entire life had become about his illness and keeping him alive. And we did for a few years and then it was his time. He was called home to the other side. A huge relief and blessing for him. He was no longer in pain but my pain was just beginning. That pain was a deep and profound grief. No one can really describe the feeling unless they have gone through it but it left me feeling completely helpless and alone in the world.

Of course there was a lot more to the story.

I then truly had to face myself and my life.

I was estranged from my family for 20 years and it was time to heal those relationships. And so I began to learn more about healing myself and I learned about energy therapy and how it could help me on my journey.

I had a lot to heal.

  • Family relationships.
  • Abuse as a child.
  • Lung cancer at the age of 24.
  • Learning to be alone.
  • Finding my financial security.

I delved into my studies to become a healer and also heal myself. I was determined to learn and understand human behaviour and understand myself. As I began to heal and grow I was able to recapture and harness my life force.

Energy therapy truly saved my life.

I became passionate about healing and helping others to heal.

I learned that my life experiences were the life lessons that would shape my existence in living my purpose and passion. I prayed to God to help me to heal from the trauma in my life and that it would be worth the effort for me if I was able to help others who were faced with life challenges when I was ready.

God kept his deal and here I am.

Today I am so grateful to be alive! My health is vibrant. I healed the relationships with my family. I am in a wonderful new healthy relationship and we have a beautiful life together. I have a vibrant practice as an Energy Therapist and Trainer.
My dreams are coming true each day. My life is so amazing.

I am in total gratitude to God, my angels and guides the ascended masters and anyone else who showed up in the spirit world to assist me on my journey. I now truly know that I am never alone and my life is being guided by a higher power.

How wonderful is that.

And the journey continues……

My spiritual journey continued February 2017 

At the beginning of 2017, a new year I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

Well life has a way of realigning to assist us in upgrading our lives.

After long thought and research and inner questioning, I made the personal choice of combining conventional medicine with alternative. The combo truly is magic!

For the next year my focus was on getting my body back into an optimal state of health and well being. I had wonderful support and for the first time I had to dig deep and ask for help.

I opened my heart and received all the love that was shared. I was humbled and grateful. For most of my life I had always felt that I had to do it by myself.

A whole new world was opening up for me. Today I am Cancer Free!!

In July of 2018 I had a “Celebration of my life” with my family and friends.

Today is a Celebration of my Life. Me. The new me. Evolved from the other me, yesterday and the day before that. This is me. A simple letting go. Freedom to be all of me. Naked and exposed. Put through the wringer and popped out the other side cleansed. Squeezed into a new existence. Empty space. Open space. Clean slate to new beginnings. Here I am. As an individual who is connected to a universe I had forgotten. To a wisdom that comes from the life experiences of my ancestors. A survivor. A believer. A piece of the puzzle of life. Either way I go I leave a legacy.

I get to choose. I chose life. I choose acceptance of all that I do not understand knowing the universe knows. The universe has my back. I simply let go and get on the train and watch the experience almost as if an observer of a soul who’s journey is quite influential because of its so named sufferings. 

The soul simply says, it’s an experience. An adventure. Do you believe in magic?                 Or are you a victim? Which do you choose. The soul chooses to believe in magic.

  • The Magic of energy.
  • The Magic of Life.
  • The Magic of Karma.
  • The Magic of the flowering of our existence in time and space.

The train has many stops along the way and at any time I can choose to say I am complete and simply step off the train of existence. My Soul knows it’s final destination. Along this journey there are many challenges. A faulty track stops the train to a halt and we must go within and see what the metaphor is. What does this represent in my life? Perhaps a new direction. An elimination of people or things in my life that no longer serve me or assist me in living my dreams to the fullest. So we do some rearranging and the track is replaced and the train is in motion once again. Full throttle ahead at a pace that allows me to take in the beauty of the scenery. I can slow down or stop at any time to experience people along the way and touch their lives. What a beautiful journey it has become to “smell the roses” and walk the path of connection with love and care for all including me.

I am home. Thanks to all for assisting me, each in your own unique way. Hopefully my energy and my smile speak volumes to you that “I love you”

We all have our own unique train to ride but together we can make it an experience of triumph and exhilaration and pure joy to be alive!

Let’s continue knowing we are not alone.

We are part of a huge divine plan and each one of us is important.

Love and Blessings to you on your journey!!

Energy Therapist and Spiritual Guide