Live in an Empowered Heart

Heartlink with the angels
Activate your 12 strand DNA
Clear your Karma
Achieve True Forgiveness
Live in your Empowered Heart
Journey to a future lifetime
Cut the cords of codependency
No energy experience required to take this class.
Each process brings you into alignment with who you really are at a Soul Level.
Each process comes with a quick reactivate mudra, when used recreates the energy of the process that you learned in this class instantly, realigning your energies.
IET® 7 Steps to Transformation
Step 1: Heartlink® with your Angels…..
Learn how to connect to the 9 healing Angels of the Energy Field called upon in the Integrated Energy Therapy Healing Modality. Learn what a Heartlink is and how this powerful energy tool can be used to send healing to anyone anywhere in the world and also for your own body, health and well being.
Step 2: Activating Your 12 Strand DNA.…….
This class will activate your 12-Strand Spiritual DNA and bring you into alignment with your soul’s mission and purpose. You will be guided through a visualization bringing to mind your vision board, optimal physical health, perfect career, loving relationships and abundance and prosperity.
Step 3: Clearing your Karma with the Energy of Angels……..
Do you find yourself repeating limiting life habit or patterns? These repeat situations are the result of Karma. This class and meditation will lead you through powerful IET Karma Clearing process to clean up your Karma easily and gracefully with the Energy of Angels. This is very effective for addictions, limiting beliefs, patterns, self sabotage, fears and phobias.
Step 4: The IET Forgiveness Process…….
This class and meditation ask you to bring to mind three people from the past, present, and yourself that you choose to forgive. It is one of the most powerful classes we teach as this powerful IET process truly helps you to forgive and forget The key to living peace in the present moment. Forgiveness is for you to move forward having learned the lesson and letting it go.
Step 5 : Empowered heart /Essential Action Process.…..
The Empowered Heart brings us into full alignment within our heart center. Living with the empowered heart energy we automatically express our true essence into the world in service to others. Angel Ariel describes this true essence as being like a core seed that is within each of us moves us into our “essential action”.
Step 6: Future life Progression.…
You have heard about past life regressions in which you take a guided journey back into one of your past lifetimes to heal a karmic issue. In this class and meditation, we journey forward with the help of our angels and soul council to a future lifetime in which we were successful in mastering all our lessons and living our true life’s purpose. We then bring the energy of that future lifetime back into this lifetime to help us accelerate our spiritual growth.
Step 7: The IET Freedom Process……
Ever felt drained when around certain people or situations? This class and meditation will lead you through an IET process of cutting the cords of codependency that prevent you from living your life’s essential action. By cutting unhealthy cords with past and present relationships, you are able to retrieve some of the power that you have given away and return that which you have energetically taken to assist another. This class is amazing and assists so much in the healing process!
Register today to acquire new tools for your life!

Saturday, June 17th &
Sunday, June 18th, 2023
On Zoom
9:30am to 4:30pm Each Day
Book by June 4th, 2023
Save $80.00 + tax = $90.40
Early Bird Price $260.00 + tax
Regular Investment $340.00 + tax
Register Here
What People Say about this Class
When I signed up for the 7 Steps to Transformation course with Angelika I was not really thinking about how the course would actually benefit me on a day to day basis. I was more looking at how I could let go of things from the past.
As the two days progressed I started to realize that I was thinking differently about myself.
Then I began to look at the days and weeks ahead of me more positively. Since the course I have been able to achieve things in my life that I thought were beyond my reach.
I feel more confident, more positive about achieving my dreams and goals, and I cannot stop thanking the angels from bringing me to Angelika and the course.
Karen Leslie, IET Master Instructor, Waterloo, On
I left my two days taking the 7 Steps to Transformation feeling lighter and having a better sense of self.
The steps were an amazing opportunity for self-reflection, healing and finding quiet and peace within myself and in my mind.
I highly recommend taking this journey with Angelika
Lara Wellman, Social media strategist & Coach, Ottawa, ON