Healing Ancestral Patterns

Healing Ancestral Patterns

Join Angelika, your Spiritual Guide

with Special Guest

Archangel Metatron

& Metatron’s Cube

Metatron’s Cube serves as a potent symbol of healing and divine order,

spiritual transformation, and the infinite potential inherent in the universe.

We set our Intentions to honor our Ancestors and evolve our Ancestral Bloodline.

We release any dysfunctional Ancestral Patterns in order to heal our ancestral lineage.

7 Generations back and 7 Generations forward!

You are invited to embark on a journey of profound transformation

through our upcoming workshop series

focused on healing ancestral patterns to embrace your true potential.

Join us for seven transformative sessions

where we will delve deep into releasing limiting beliefs,

unresolved trauma, and embracing abundance in all aspects of life.

We gather as a Group on Zoom

Friday mornings from 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Recordings provided after each Session

Apr 4th – May 16th, 2025

7 Transformative Healing Sessions

Session 1 – Apr 4th – Releasing Limiting/Rigid Beliefs to Surrender into Infinite Possibilities

Ancestral Experiences can create a sense of belief of unworthiness and can hinder your ability

to receive the love and blessings of the Universe to live your Soul’s Potential.

Session 2 – Apr 11th – Releasing Unresolved Trauma & Fear Mindset into Living in Freedom and Peace

Ancestral Experiences can be traumatic and if not healed or released from your cellular memory can lead

to anger and distrust of people and can create a repetition of victimization in your life.

Session 3 – Apri 18th – Releasing Perfectionism Mindset to Feeling Worthy & Being Enough

Ancestral Expectations of Perfectionism can create unrealistic standards and an inability to complete

projects and can hinder you from moving forward into living your Soul’s Purpose with ease and grace.

Session 4 – Apr 25th – Releasing Dependency & Comparison to Trusting your Intuitive Power

Needing Ancestral approval can prevent you from listening to your Intuition and stepping into your own

Power. Comparing yourself with others can limit you from sharing your unique gifts with the world.

Session 5 – May 2nd – Releasing Supressed Emotions to Express from your Authentic Heart

Ancestral patterns of supressing your emotions can lead to a lack of connection with yourself and your

Heart’s desires or your Soul’s Mission and Purpose.

Session 6 – May 9th – Releasing the Inability to Set Boundaries to Step into Self Empowerment

Ancestral Patterns of people pleasing unable to speak up and neglecting your own self-care can lead to

physcial and emotional exhaustion.

Session 7 – May 16th – Releasing Poverty/Scarcity Mindset to Living in Prosperity and Abundance

Ancestral Patterns of scarcity thinking about prosperity, abundance, available resources, or opportunities

can lead to a reluctance to create a vision beyond your wildest dreams or investing in living your Best Life.


Recordings provided after each Session

Don’t miss this opportunity to break free from ancestral limitations

and step into the fullness of your being.

Embrace your journey towards healing, growth, and abundance.


Spring Flash Special

Register by March 24th for this Series of 7 Sessions

$244.00 + tax = $275.72

for 7 Consecutive Sessions – Recordings Provided

That’s 40 % off the Regular Price!! Save $162.00 + tax

Spring Flash Special-Save 40 % off Regular Price


Early Bird SpecialSave $79.10 Register by Mar 14th, 2025

7 Sessions x $48.00 = $336.00 + tax = $379.68

by Sending an e transfer $379.68 to simplyangelika1@gmail.com


Regular Price – Register after Mar 14th, 2025

7 Sessions X $58.00 = $406.00 + tax =$458.78

by Sending an e transfer Total $458.78 to simplyangelika1@gmail.com

Or click the Buy Now button to pay by credit card.

Early Bird Price – Register by Mar 14th, 2025