These healing protocols tap into the Universal Grid
of Sacred Geometry, restoring your divine connection
to all that is as One Light of Consciousness
and activating your Divine Inner Mastery.
The Protocols upgrade your Diamond Light Body
a divine energy blueprint that activates and re-codes your DNA.
This healing process brings Heaven and Earth into balance
within your heart, allowing you to shine as a transmitter of divine light
and live in harmony with your soul’s purpose.
The Crystalline Heart Dimensional Healing Protocols
are a powerful energy healing practice that helps you step into the 5th dimension,
letting go of old patterns and reconnecting with your higher self easily.
These Protocols awaken your Original Soul Blueprint
aligning you with your highest potential and true divine essence.
Affirmations for the Crystalline 88 Heart Protocols
- I am a radiant light, connected to my Soul’s true path.
- I remember my greatness, my strength, my love, and my Soul’s Gifts.
- I shine brightly, ready to live my Soul’s Purpose on Earth.
- I AM.
Learn how to do these Protocols on yourself or for your Clients.
Manuals included. Certificate upon completion.
1. Karma Clearing Protocol
Techniques utilizing the Crystalline Heart Star
Geometry to anchor your Multidimensional
Self into the New Earth for the evolution of all Humanity.
In this Protocol,
we Transform Karma Codes into Codes of Consciousness
Expanding into your Original Soul’s Blueprint
Each of your 12 chakras holds a sacred seed of your soul’s divine blueprint.
By releasing outdated karmic imprints, you unlock your true essence,
allowing your light body to fully activate.
Shining your Light
Once the Sacred Inner Seed of each Chakra is unveiled,
your Original Soul’s Blueprint guides your life path.
Next Class TBA

2. Heart Star Empowerment Protocol
Step into your Diamond Matrix where the
Self and the Soul Become One
This protocol works with the Power Pyramids
to clear, realign, balance, and expand
you into your Soul Power.
Merging …..
Heart, Solar Plexus & Sacral
into a powerful tri-wave energy
Remember who you are
Become a Pillar of Light & Love
Activate your Soul Power
Next Class TBA
3. Clearing Unhealthy Relationship Cords Protocol
Reclaiming your Power
Living Healthy Relationships
A relationship cord is a subconscious
energetic connection agreed upon between 2
people in a relationship.
Healthy Cords share unconditional love
in a giving and receiving fashion.
Unhealthy Cords have hooks that drain our energy
When we allow this, we give away our Power.
Release the Unhealthy Cords
Mother Mary assists us in tapping the cosmic egg
within each of the 12 chakras
to release the unhealthy relationship cords
Reclaim your personal power
Experience a deep connection with your authentic self
and healthy, harmonious relationships with others.
Next Class TBA
4. Eliminate all Fear-Based Programs Protocol
Live in the Joy of Self Love
Fear Shows up in the Absence of Love
Whether Fear is Real or perceived,
the body responds the same way.
In this Protocol,
With the magical assistance of Lord Merlin and Power Pyramids,
we release the fear programs that keep you stuck
in cycles of survival:
Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn.
Remember your original state of being as pure love and joy.
By clearing these programs,
you can live in the truth of your soul’s essence.
Stand in the Golden Tree of Self Love in the Divine Gateway
Next Class TBA

5. Activate your Diamond Spine Protocol
For your Spiritual Evolution
In this Protocol Activate the 34 Lemurian Vertebrae
Creational Light Codes of Self Mastery and Ascension
Each of our 34 vertebra holds a unique Spiritual focus which amplifies
the ability for the spine to become the Operating System for our New Earth Bodies.
Essentially, our Spines are a Pillar of Light that create an Axis
between Heaven and Earth.
52 page manual is included with Technique, Charts and Spiritual Meanings.
Diamond Light Multi-dimensional Key Codes of Consciousness
- C 1 – Unity Consciousness – Atlas
- C 2 – Graceful Heart – Axis
- C 3 – Surrender to the Divine
- C 4 – Cellular Forgiveness
- C 5 – Sovereign Mastery
- C 6 – Guidance from the Stars
- C 7 – Peaceful Heart
- T 1 – Soul’s Purpose
- T 2 – Magnetic Law of Attraction
- T 3 – Creative Connection
- T 4 – Faithful Union
- T 5 – Crystal Clarity
- T 6 – Abundant Experiences
- T 7 – Happy Soul
- T 8 – Divine Perfection
- T 9 – Free Spirited Being
- T 10 – Harmonious Co-Creation
- T 11 – Heightened Intuition
- T 12 – Expanded Consciousness
- L 1 – Divine Masculine Security
- L 2 – Divine Feminine Vulnerability
- L 3 – Innocent Self Love
- L 4 – Prosperous Expansion
- L 5 – Co-Creation with Light
- S 1 – Divine Human Angelic Self
- S 2 – Pure Soul’s Essence
- S 3 – Deep Spiritual Insights
- S 4 – Integration of Divine Wisdom
- S 5 – Miraculous Realignment
- C 1 – Authentic Presence
- C 2 – Powerful Presence
- C 3 – Diamond Light Presence
- C 4 – Multi-Dimensional Presence
Facilitated by Angel Melchizedek this activation:
Aligns the Crystal Pillar Axis for Spiritual Evolution.
- Opens the Universal Flow through your Spinal column
- Opens the Cerebral Spinal Fluid Flow
- Creates a Diamond Central Channel
- Establishes a new energetic operating system for the New Golden Earth
- Balances masculine and feminine energies with the Golden Ankh
- Restores inner harmony