Love/Light Language Activations

Level One

Love/Light Multi-Dimensional Language

Receive your Activations

Awaken your Love/Light Language

The Multi-Dimensional *Language of Your Soul*

for Deep Healing & Higher Vibrational Frequencies

Connect with the Multi-dimensional Healing Sound Currents

Combine Light Language with any other modality you are doing to deepen and quicken the healing process.

In this training you receive:

* Love/Light Language Activations

* Recalibration of your Original DNA

* Awakening of your True Soul Gifts

* Deep Soul Healing

Who is this workshop for?

  • It is for ANYONE who feels the call or feels a resonance.
  • It is for the Healers, Practitioners, Coaches, Light workers who are in service to spirit.
  • It is for all those who have a deep calling to find the power of their Voice.
  • It is for those who are already awakening to the sound currents.

This is an experiential journey of remembrance.

It feels like Coming Home to your full expression of self!

This is an experience which has the power to shift your entire being.

You become a vessel for love/light to flow through you for healing.

You will be initiated to your own unique love/light language frequencies.

It is a healing tool for yourself, your clients and Mother Earth.

You will just know in your heart that this is the time to become a channel.

You feel it in your heart and soul.

You witness signs and synergies around you that point to it.

You have a deep knowing that you are ready.

Become a Pure Love/Light Channel

for your Healing, Evolution and Ascension

It will be the most fun you have had in a long time!

“The medicine of the future will be Music and Sound” Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945)

Manual and Certificate will be provided.

Combine Light Language with any other modality you are doing to deepen and quicken the healing process.

It is super simple and very profound.

Join Angelika on Zoom

May 24th & May 25th, 2025

9:30am to 4:30pm each day


Book by April 24th,2025 and Save $100.00 + tax

Early Bird $488.00 + tax = $551.44


Book after April 24th, 2025 $588.00 + tax = $664.66


Reviewers/Repeaters $288.00 + tax = $325.44


Register by April 24th, 2025 and Save $100.00

Q & A

  1. When you channel, are you aware of what the language means?

When I channel Light Language, Most times I am not aware of what it means but I feel the energy shifting and realigning. It is meant to bypass the ego mind to allow full surrender to the healing. It is based on the intention the person has and whatever else is in the highest good for this person at the time.

2. Is it in line with the English words you are using before and after channeling?

It is in line with the English  but so much more!! It is very difficult to translate Light Language. It is more about frequency and sacred geometry and light.

3.  Is what you teach the same format as your sessions? 

What I am teaching in the class is actually many activations to wake up the Light Language from a dormant state within you so you can begin speaking it for your healing and for others if you choose.

Each participant practices speaking for the group and recieve feedback to assist building confidence and realization of the power of the sound and how each person receives light language in their unique way.

4. Can this process be done with no English?

You don’t need English at all. It is a language that the Heart & Soul understands fully.

5. I’m wondering about the different ways I may apply light language?

Light Language can be used for personal Healing, Healing the Earth, Water, Universe and the Collective Consciousness. It can be used to assist clients to Heal and incorporated into healing sessions no matter what modality you are using. It can be used for yourself to easily and effortlessly shift and heal your issues bringing you back into full alignment with your Soul’s Purpose.




Activating New Star Channels of Light Langauge

*Light Language Infusion*

Master Class

Activate your Luminescence

Activate your Sacred Inner Seed Light Codes

This class is to deepen and mature into your practice of Speaking Light Language.

To receive new Activations to open New Channels of Light Language.

To Learn how to incorporate Light Language in the 12 Chakra System.

To practice Light Language with a Soul Partner giving and receiving.

Activate the 12 Golden Discs of Consciousness with Light Language

Activate your 12 Strands of DNA with Light Language

Ascend into the 12 Dimensions of the Sacred Self with Light Language

Imagine your DNA as a magical garden that is filled with Seeds that hold your genetic codes of consciousness in a dormant state until they are ready to be nourished and activated by the Energy & Vibrational Sound Frequencies of Light Language.

Imagine that each “Light Code” Seed buried within the soil of your DNA Garden holds a genetic field of intelligence within it for you to blossom into a beautiful geometrical “Being of Light.”

Each Light Code Seed within your DNA Garden carries a divinely designed blueprint that is imprinted with Light Codes that hold your very own Soul memory that helps you remember who you are and why you signed up to live here on this Earth.

Star Mother Activations will include:

  1. Alpha Centurians
  2. Meldekians
  3. Andromedans
  4. Arcturians
  5. Nuburian
  6. Antarian
  7. All the Star Mothers
  8. Venusian
  9. Sirians
  10. Vegans
  11. Orion
  12. Pleiadian

Join Angelika, your Ascension Guide

for this powerful & experiential Workshop

Receive New and Deeper Activations to OPEN

New channels of Light Language to be a Pure Channel of Light to activate the Sacred Inner Seed Light Codes

Join Angelika to play in the Essence of Light Language for the Sacred Fusion

of your 12 Discs of Consciousness into the Light.

You will be activated by Angelika and then you will work with a soul buddy

to assist each other in activations.

2 Days of Pure Bliss into the Light of Consciousness

Prerequiste: Speaking Light Language Level 1 Workshop

or if you already Speak Light Language

Book by Sep 3rd, 2023

and Save $100.00

Pay $445.00

Book after Sep 3rd, 2023

and Pay $545.00

Sep 16th & 17th, 2023 On Zoom

Repeaters are very welcome!

Early Bird Price $245.00 + tax = $276.85

Simply send an e transfer to or request an invoice to pay by credit card.

Some testimonials from previous classes.

1) This work is the wave of the future. It’s a fast and easy way to clear old, no longer useful habits and ways of thinking that are holding us back from living our best life.
The confidence I gained during this class will have ripple effects through my whole life and all my interactions. Thank you for bringing this beautiful and innovative way of healing to share with our family and clients.

2) Soul Talk is an addition to other energy healing modalities and done from an intention of love. I feel blessed and can use this technique comfortably for myself which in turn helps everyone and everything everywhere.
By the end of the day one we already moved out of our own way to begin the practice.
The connections with others in the class strengthened and raised our consciousness to a level of us being recognizable as soul sisters – this class happened to be all women.
A truly beautiful experience.

3) I have been drawn to Light Language for a long time but always felt resistant of opening up because of what others would think. Clearing all of that and being able to channel speak Soul Talk has brought an immense sense of peace.

4) The e course with Angelika was the best course I’ve ever taken. I was very nervous going into class however after our first exercise the nervousness disappeared.
The instructions were clear and concise and was surprised how easy it was to channel the language. Highly recommend this class.

5) The Soul Talk Workshop allowed me the opportunity to learn a new healing modality while clearing blockages and healing a closed heart.
Today my heart was filled with love and joy in a loving supportive space that Angelika created and held for each one of us.
It was also beautiful to experience the energy and soul talk of fellow participants. Thank you Angelika for your inspiration, courage and passion to bring Soul Talk to the world.

6) Angelika is very passionate about her work. She plans her classes well yet always leaves room to experiment and modify if necessary. I felt very comfortable in the space that was created and would highly recommend her Soul Talk Course to anyone in the future.

This class is the most fun class I have ever taught!!

In Crystalline love and light Angelika