Come Home to your Divine Feminine Power – Be Authentically You!
Are you struggling with:
* Releasing your outdated Storylines
* Releasing Undigested Emotions
* Loving every Part of Yourself!
Live the Life you Know your were meant to Live.
Live your Soul’s Potential

Angelika would be honored to assist you on your Journey to Create the Life of your Dreams!
Angelika, HTCP
Certified Energy Therapist and Spiritual Guide
As a Sensitive Girl l found that life was very difficult to navigate and I didn’t feel like I fit in this world. I was highly intuitive and very misunderstood. I was an open heart and a kind and loving person with no boundaries due to abuse and I kept being victimized by people and by life. I didn’t know how to find my way to an empowered place in life. I made a promise to God that if I was able to heal that I would help others with the same challenges. Here I am in my power ready and waiting to assist you.